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Instructor: Rita Atassi

Let’s start 2023 together with the 21 day New Beginnings Cleanse. The last three years have been hard on everyone and it is time to welcome the new year by cultivating healthy habits, building a stronger immune system, and digging deeper in our own self-exploration. In this group cleanse we will be focusing on detoxifying the body, mind and heart.


Modern life bombards us with toxins and makes our immune systems more vulnerable to illnesses. As COVID 19 is becoming an endemic, we need to strengthen our natural defenses by eliminating toxins from our diets, daily routines and even our thoughts.


We as humans are part of a larger ecosystem in the world with which our wellbeing is intimately linked, therefore we need to look at our health in a holistic way. We will examine not only what we eat but also our exposure to stress, quality of sleep, the health of our relationships, our home and work environments and  more. The goal of the Detox is to learn how to keep our immune system and our overall health strong.

During our 21 days together we will be utilizing wisdom from ancient Eastern Medicine, in the forms of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM focuses on balance, harmony, and energy in the body. Ayurvedic medicine focuses that each individual is one-of-a- kind, with a unique blueprint for health. Blending these forces together with the wisdom of Western Medicine is powerful. After the 21 days you can expect to feel lighter (figuratively and literally speaking), armed with tools to maintain optimal health, and even making new friends in the process.

As part of the program we will eliminate caffeine, alcohol, gluten, sugar and all animal products for 21 days. Those tend to be the greatest offenders when it comes to inflammation, food sensitivities and clogging up our body’s well-oiled machinery.


Focusing on nutrition is very important during this time as food plays an essential and nuanced role in overall wellness. We will also practice yoga, meditation, pranayama and mindfulness to connect body, mind and heart. You will learn about the systems of elimination and how the body works optimally. We will discuss the importance of other triggers that push you off balance and cause less than optimal health.


Why detox?


  1. Toxins and stress create obstacles for the normal functioning and self healing capabilities of our bodies.

  2. Modern eating habits and lifestyle pollute our bodies and don’t provide the nutrients necessary for them to function at optimum levels.

  3. By removing the obstacles and providing what is lacking, our bodies bounce back into health, energy is restored, and we begin to look and feel our best.

Why 21 days?

It takes about three weeks for your tastes and cravings to begin responding to healthier and simpler foods. And also takes this long for new habits to start to formulate. The goal is to build natural, effective practices and techniques that help you feel whole, healthy, and beautiful, both inside and out.


These three weeks are not about quick fixes or fads; they are about creating a healthier relationship with yourself in the process. This course meets you where you are and allows you the flexibility to make personalized choices that give you lifelong  results.


What can you expect from this course?



  • Having more energy

  • Plant-based meal plan & recipes to keep

  • Lose weight, and begin feeling better for the long run

  • Decreasing inflammation

  • By decreasing inflammation, strengthening your immune system

  • Clearer skin and eyes

  • Yoga and mindfulness practices

  • Understanding how our systems of detoxification work

  • Release food addictions & balance your mood with food

  • Sleep better


What can you expect from this course?


  • Having more energy

  • Plant-based meal plan & recipes to keep

  • Lose weight, and begin feeling better for the long run

  • Decreasing inflammation

  • By decreasing inflammation, strengthening your immune system

  • Clearer skin and eyes

  • Yoga and mindfulness practices

  • Understanding how our systems of detoxification work

  • Release food addictions & balance your mood with food

  • Sleep better


Duration: 4 encounters. Each encounter is 1 hour


Date: TBD



Playfulness of the Breath - Breathe Easy

Date: TBD

Duration: 2 hours

Time: TBD


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Ease into the Holidays with healthy eating and mindfulness practices

Date: TBD

Time: TBD

Duration: 2 hours


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