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Kris Brinker has been a practitioner of the internal arts in Northern Virginia—Tai Chi (Taiji), Chi Kung (Qigong), Yoga—since 1989.


She originally turned to these practices to help manage and relieve chronic pain due to injury and stress. Realizing the tremendous benefits she experienced herself, she passionately decided to learn to teach these practices and techniques to others. She earned her certifications and began teaching in 2002.

Kris’ early roots began with traditional Yang style Tai Chi and Hatha Yoga and later began classes with Peaceable Dragon instructors in 2002. She continues to focus her study and teaching on the Cheng Man-Ching variation of the Yang-style form as well as numerous variations of Qigong including Tai Chi Shen Gong, and the Sheng Zhen Wuji Yuan Gong forms, among others.


Kris is authorized to teach by The International Sheng Zhen Society and Master Li Jun Feng, principal teacher of Sheng Zhen Qigong, and former head coach of the Chinese National Wushu (Kung Fu) Team.


During the day, Kris helps companies grow better and faster as co-founder of Ocean 5—a successful growth agency right here in Northern Virginia. She sees and experiences the stresses and pressures of her clients, and associates and strives to bring the encouragement of calm and balance into her professional, as well as her teaching world. You can learn more about her professional side HERE.


Kris is also a certified Reiki master, enjoys hiking, racquet sports, kayaking, cooking, and visiting local wineries. In addition, she often finds a warm cup of chai and dark chocolate to be extremely inspiring.


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A Taste of Just Breathe Tai Chi Class

If you are looking for a fun and simple way to improve your flexibility and balance, reduce stress, increase your energy level, and tone and strengthen your muscles, you will love a Taste of Just Breathe Tai Chi!


Tai Chi is known as moving meditation—using a series of gentle movements and deepened breathing that creates harmony between the mind and body.


In this class, you will learn basic Tai Chi movements that you can practice any day, any time, everywhere! All experience levels are welcome and can benefit from Tai Chi.

Duration: 60 minutes 


Date: March 10th and 17th / 1:00 PM 

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